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Fake security vs freedom: Mental illness should not be "cool." Labels should not be identities.
Fake security vs freedom: Mental illness should not be "cool." Labels should not be identities. A label is not going to give your life...

Prince Harry used EMDR for trauma from his mother's death--you can heal with EMDR too
Prince Harry, love him or hate him, has recently revealed that he has undergone EMDR therapy to help heal from childhood trauma resulting...

EMDR trauma therapy DOES NOT involve "re-living" or "re-hashing" traumatic events!
Many people fear that trauma therapy for abuse or PTSD will bring up horrible flashbacks, or that it will just be a lot of useless,...

The masks we wear, the social distance we keep (reflections on shame)
It seems clear that social distancing and wearing personal protective equipment such as masks slows the spread of COVID-19. So does...

Fake happiness vs. Mental health
I always have some words of hope for my clients when I feel they are most in need. What I say might surprise you. I say, "My goal for you...

Loss of hope, loss of innocence: YouTube star examines childhood trauma
Prominent photographer Mark Laita gave up his career to conduct hundreds of interviews on YouTube with the most broken individuals in our...

Trauma in the cradle (or womb)?
The EMDR early trauma protocol recognizes that the foundations for emotional dysregulation and other symptoms of traumatic experience are...

A client's poem on PTSD
Here is a poem a new client of mine wrote about PTSD, shared with permission. She is just beginning her journey of healing with EMDR. If...

CDC: Childhood trauma linked to physical illness and addiction
It was already known from the classic ACE study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that those with childhood trauma are at a vastly...

A "well-resourced" childhood (or not)
What is a well-resourced childhood? It's not only a childhood free from adverse childhood events (ACEs) like drugs in the home, sex...
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